
Sunday 5 January 2014

What happened to goodbye?

‘And now what?’, he asked. ‘I don’t know…’. I didn’t know.

Somehow I was speechless. I didn’t feel angry, nor did I feel sad. I felt quite hopeful, like a whole new world of possibilities had just opened in front of my eyes, like I could do anything. I felt alive, for the first time in months, years even.

I stood up, got my little notepad and opened it. I started reading:
“Surrounded by strangers, in a strange city, we were the only link to each other. And it worked. While I sat there, just wondering about the future, about life, about us. We could do anything. Go anywhere. And we’d still be us. It was a strange feeling. A beautiful feeling. Just strangely beautiful. As if we were one. We were in no man land and it felt home…. Stockholm, May 2013”.

It was the first time I had read that out loud since I wrote it, a few months before. Back then I thought he would eventually end up reading it, but now I know he never will.

We sometimes forget how fragile we are. We rely on too many people and things to be happy and we often forget that all we rely on, could disappear one day. 
It is like your favourite sitcom. You know the super funny character you love, right? Well, the writers didn’t like him as much apparently because BAM! they killed him in episode 4. So now it’s over, and you’ll never get to laugh about those stupid jokes anymore.

Just like that, in real life, some people just disappear. Without a warning, without an explanation, without anything. It happens all the time and it makes me wonder… What happened to goodbye?

· D ·